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KIC smard profiling
Test the temperature for reflow oven /wave soldering machine
By automating the complex task of process set up the SlimKIC2000
makes profiling so easy that any operator can quickly achieve the optimal process. Simply select from a built-in library containing hundreds of commonly used solder paste specifications. The software uses the paste supplier’s thermal profile specs to automatically define the process window. Color-coded signlas alert the operator to any out-of-specification conditions.
The SlimKIC 2000 simplifies profiling by reducing the process to a single number — the Process Window Index (PWI) — so you know precisely how good your profile is. The simplified user interface guides the operator through the profiling process, minimizing the potential for improper oven set up and yield-reducing defects.
Profiling Reduced to a Single Number
For precise ranking of profile performance, the KIC software uses the Process Window Index (PWI). The PWI measures the profile’s fit to the process window in a mathematical and objective manner by using a single number. This aids in optimizing the process by comparing and ranking alternative profiles in terms of their fit to the available process window. The lower the PWI, the more efficient and stable the process!
Technical Specifications
Accuracy: ±1.2C
Resolution: Variable 0.3C to 0.1C
Internal Operating Temp: 0C to 105C
Thermocouple Compatibility: Type K, 9 or 12
Temperature Range: -150C to 1050C
Computer Capability: PC
Power Requirements: 9V alkaline battery
Thermal Receiver: 433.92 MHz
Dimensions: See Temperature Tolerance Chart below for specifications
Datalogger Model: data is downloaded to the computer through a cable after the run. Dual Unit Model: data is sent to the computer in real-time during the run. It is also stored internally for high-speed download after the run.
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